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Terms & Conditions of Hire


Please pay minimum £50 deposit with this booking which is fully refunded if the trip cannot not take place due to CCNA inability to run the trip.  NB we do not use any online banking  payment methods due to the processing charge as we are a small charity


Bank details: Unity Trust Bank plc Sort Code: 60-83-01 Account 20093990 Camden Canals & Narrowboat Association. Use your surname as reference and email with details of the transaction. Separate invoices are issued on request. Receipt will be confirmed by email.​​


No enquiry is considered to be a booking until the relevant deposit and balance has been paid as detailed on the Booking Form.  PLEASE NOTE, AS WE ARE AN ORGANISATION RUN ENTIRELY BY VOLUNTEERS, THAT FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF YOUR BOOKING IS DEPENDENT ON CREW BEING AVAILABLE. This is normally known between 2 and 3 weeks before travel.  If crew are not available on your preferred date you will be offered an alternative date or a full refund of any payments.
We cannot be held responsible for the consequences of any delays or restrictions arising from obstructions, repair or damage to navigations, floods, water shortage, or any other cause. We must also reserve the right to restrict cruising in unusual or hazardous conditions (Such as flooding.)
No more than 12 passengers can be carried on Tarporley at any one time. If Tarporley is working in conjunction with other community boats, the total carrying capacity will be calculated on the basis of 12 passengers per boat.
The hire period is usually up to 3 hours or up to 6 hours, and a starting time will be agreed when the booking is accepted. Please do not expect to board the boat earlier, and please do not arrive late. A late departure might mean having to curtail the length of the cruise which is always a disappointment to passengers.
If you cancel the trip less than 28 days but more than 7 days prior to the date of the cruise or commencement of the residential holiday, you will be liable to pay 5O% of the full fee. Where the cancellation is received by us less than 7 days but more than 48 hours prior to the trip, the cancellation fee will be 75% of the full cost. There will be no refund/reduction in fee for trips cancelled with less than 48 hours’ notice.
Adult groups may bring a responsible amount of alcohol on board, but any person found to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be asked to leave the boat, and the skipper’s decision is final: the skipper also has authority to terminate the trip immediately.  If a young person under the age of 16 is on board, alcoholic drinks in any form will only be permitted if a parent or other responsible person is present. Passengers must be sober on arrival and throughout the period of the booking.


Smoking, including e-cigarettes, is absolutely forbidden anywhere inside the boat.
General rules concerning safety or conduct will be advised by the skipper or a crew member prior to departure and the group leader will be asked to sign to say that a safety briefing has been given to all members of the group. The skipper has full authority concerning the running of the boat and their instructions must be complied with. The skipper may terminate a trip or impose any reasonable conditions for its continuance if, in their opinion, such action is necessary to ensure the safety of the boat or any person on board. It is obviously essential that all passengers behave in a reasonable and safe manner at all times and do not do anything which might affect the safety or enjoyment of other passengers, themselves, or the skipper and crew.

Each group hiring Tarporley must ensure there is a competent adult group leader responsible for the behaviour, conduct and organisation of their group. The name of this group leader should be entered on the booking form when requesting a cruise. For groups involving children, or young people under the age of 18 years, there should also be one or more additional responsible adults to assist the group leader as necessary. Where a group of more than 12 is being catered for and Tarporley is, therefore, working with a second community boat there must be two responsible adults available on each boat carrying children or young people under the age of 18. Where the group includes children under the age of 5 there should be at least one responsible adult for every two children under 5, though many groups prefer a one to one ratio.
You are reminded that it is your responsibility to ensure that your insurance policy covers all liabilities likely to arise from personal accidents involving group members, or from third party claims arising from the conduct of the group members. It is a condition of hiring Tarporley or any other boat through CCNA that the hirer indemnifies the owners and managers of the boat(s) against any such liabilities.


We ask that, before departure, you inform us in writing of any known health problems which affect any member of your group if it is possible that other people on board might, in any way, be affected by that condition, or have to deal with any consequence of it during the trip.

Thank you for taking the time to read this document.

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